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Kemet Nu (Black Peoples’) Productions
. 19 studio-produced, visually documented DVDs by Ashra and Merira Kwesi. Some are shot on location in Kemet (Egypt) or Ethiopia . Topics include African civilization, religion and culture
New! - Rent or purchase digital versions of the studio- produced videos. Check back frequently. We are constantly adding videos to the digital format.
Sterling Silver Kemetic Jewelry
African Builders of Civilization Book - 35 personalities from Ancient Kemet
Audio CDs
Kemet Nu Productions | P.O. Box 41005 | Dallas, TX| 75241 | Tel: (214)-371-0206 Fax: 214-371-0908 Email: kemetnu@yahoo.com or kemetnutours@gmail.com © Kemet Nu Productions
Kemet Nu (Black People’s) Productions
Order Videos and Other Products
. 19 studio-produced, visually documented DVDs by Ashra and Merira Kwesi. Some are filmed on location in Kemet (Egypt) or Ethiopia. . Topics include African civilization, religion and culture
New! - Rent or purchase digital versions of the studio- produced videos. Check back frequently. Videos are being converted to digital formatting.
Kemet Nu Productions, P.O. Box 41005, Dallas TX 75241 Tel: 214-371-0206, Fax: 214-371-0908 Email: kemetnu@yahoo.com or kemetnutours@gmail.com © Kemet Nu Productions
African Builders of Civilization Book - 35 personalities from Ancient Kemet
Audio CDs
Sterling Silver Kemetic Jewelry